The key points of this article are basically how to involve parents in their children's learning process. There were many ways suggested how to parents get involved not only in their child's education, but more specifically in developing their 21st century skills. These skills, the 4 Cs, are necessary in today's world and will greatly aid their success in the future. Teachers need help from parents to encourage collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication at home as well as in the classroom. Numerous links are included in this article to give parents guidance as to what activities can be done with their children and will increase their 21st century skills. This article also had suggestions for teachers of how to emphasize the 4 Cs in the classroom throughout all age groups.
This article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry because it gave activities and tips for teachers on how to use 21st century skills in the classroom. There are links to other resources to take advantage of to increase students' awareness of reliable sources and to solve complex problems.
The key points of this article of this article go over how to get parents involved in the 21st century classroom. The article lists many different resources in which students can "bring the classroom home" and how parents can get more involved in using these resources. The article also gives parents vital information and insight into what the concept of 21st century learning actually is. Parents may be stuck in the old ways of education. A resource like this article is a great reference for parents to learn about the vital life skills that their children are learning in schools in regards to 21st century learning. Furthermore, if parents know the skills their children are learning in school (such as the 4 c's), they can help their children by encouraging them to use these skills in situations outside the classroom.
This article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry in that it gives parents access to the same materials that their children are using in the classroom environment. Parents can use these resources to encourage their children to take learning outside the classroom and engage in intellectually stimulating activities at home. There is one part of the article that stands out to me in particular. In the middle school section, there is a suggestion that parents who have money managing experience come in as a guest speaker into the classroom to give insight to students in regards to the business and financial world. The article also suggest that these guests take part in project learning with students and act as a panel to give feedback to business proposals of students. This is a great thing for students to experience. They can get real time feedback from people who are actually in the business world. They can see the real life applications of different concepts they are learning in the classroom.
The key points of this article are helping parents discover the tools and techniques for 21st century learning. The article gives suggestions of skills that parents can look into to prepare their children for the future. Edutopia gives ideas for each stage of a child’s education from elementary school, middle school, high school and for the future. These different strategies and ideas assist parents in getting involved in their child’s life. I believe that students can be more successful with the guidance of their parents, teachers and mentors. Edutopia can help parents be up to date in the new technologies and advances in today’s society to better help their children. One idea that I can see even happening in a mathematics classroom is having a guest teacher or speaker that works with finance. This gives students insight of jobs and maybe a future career for some. Parents and teachers can help students get the most information to the children.
This article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry because having parents be up to date on today’s technologies and assist their children can have a stronger bond and relationship. I see sometimes children who don’t converse with their parents. With this guide to learning the involvement with parents, teachers and students can be a stronger relationship. Parents should always want to know more to share with their children. It shows initiative and encouragement from the parents.
The key points of this article are to allow parents to understand what is going on in their child’s classroom. Parents were educated in a different era in which they were taught at and were expected to simply absorb information and go home and practice it. In today’s 21st century classroom, the roles of the teacher and student are different and a document like this can allow everyone to be on the same page of a child’s education. Parents who learn that their students are playing games in class or are receiving very little direct instruction from the teacher my feel like their children are not receiving the best education possible. This document ensures that parents understand that classroom activities like these are the best possible way of allowing students to learn the information that is required of them and also that they grow up to be contributing members of today and tomorrow’s society. It also gives parents an idea as to how they could further their children’s education in the 4 C’s outside of the classroom.
This article helps me understand instruction through inquiry because it gives a way to make sure that parents are involved in the process. Inquiry based instruction is only truly effective if students are able to be involved in the process constantly, not only during pre-described class times. An article like this ensures that parents are aware of what the curriculum is hoping to accomplish and that they are able to assist teachers in reaching these goals.
The key points in this article directed toward the importance of how parents can take part/understand in their child's learning. One of the most important things is allowing students to be creative. Many time students are being handed everything too them in class without any opportunity for creativity and exploration. It is important for students to understand math teaches us to become problem solvers, it's not just the subject with all the formulas one has to memorize. In the article it says, "the right kind of learning experiences help children activate their brain networks in ways needed to become proficient problem solvers and creative thinkers." It is also important for students to have mediums to communicate their ideas and share with others what they have learned. The parents role is to also 'develop their children's emotional intelligence,' by making them feel confident in their thoughts and ideas.
This article helps me understand instruction through inquiry because it provides different methods teachers can use to in the classroom to allow parents to be involved. The activities mentioned in the article are based on student interests.
The key points of this article are to assist parents in understanding what is going on educationally and the different techniques that they can use to become a part of their child's learning. This Edutopia site is about discovering and using different methods both in the classroom and at home that will prepare future for the "unknown" future and the world, not to just be cookie cutter, factory made people. This guide goes through the different grade levels and discusses the different ways in which students are learning and what parents should be focusing on, reviewing and reinforcing at home. This allows for parents to become more involved in not only their child's education but also their future. I believe that this article allows parents to understand the new techniques teachers are using and enforcing like creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking and their importance. Just being in touch between teacher, parents and students is a form of communication is a must for an effective educational relationship.
This article helps me to better understand inquiry because it allows the students parents to become part of their childs education, what is being taught at school can be reinforced at home and parents are most importantly communicating. This article also allows parents to have a better understanding of the curriculum and can in turn help parents understand the class and the teachers ways of thinking.
The key points of this article are to help parents understand and know how to prepare their child for the future. Knowing the techniques and tools they will need to hold to be an accomplished 21st century learner. Since the education system is moving from the traditional lecture based classroom to a more inquiry based setting, parents need to more involved in the learning process. This article is a great resource for parents because it gives you a list of things parents can be doing with their children to help them bring the classroom experience home. The article states that, " students need to be exposed to world beyond the classroom." Meaning that learning is not just done inside school anymore and information is not just learned from the teacher.
This article helps me better understand instruction through inquiry because it helps me see the ways that students can be learning on their own. Inquiry to me is about investigation and discovery of knowledge, this article provides great ways for students to be doing this. Having a summer internship, being involved in the community and working with project based learning can all be useful tools for parents and teachers to use to promote inquiry inside/outside the classroom.
The key points of this article are how the classroom is changing and how parents need to prepare their children. The article states that in elementary school the teachers are laying a foundation for future success. The students need to collaboration with others, be creative, communicate, and use critical thinking. I think that teachers are laying the foundation but parents should reinforce the 4 C’s at home. As children transition from elementary to middle to high school this article has different websites that they can use to emphasis the 4 C’s at home as well as information for the parents. I think that as soon as children steps foot outside of school learning stops. At all times parents should know what their child is learning in school. This article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry because it gives me tools to give to the parents so that they can help their children at home with homework. So often children come home with homework and need help and their parents are not able to help them because they do not understand the material themselves. Parent - teacher communication is very important for the success of the student.
The key points of this article are resources for parents of 21st-century students. The article first spends time briefly explaining the nature of 21st-century education (the 4 "C"s, etc), and then gives a bunch of very specific exercises that can be directly applied in the classroom our outside at home. I particularly liked the Middle School exercise that encouraged connections with Role-playing games and the hero's journey. The article gives ten--admittedly vague--tips for parents to create 21st-century citizens, then concludes with many internet resources for parents to use.
This article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry because it brings an important and oft-overlooked dimension of 21st century education into play--the role of the parents. In a heterogeneous society, there will be many different levels of parental involvement and activity, but this article gives great resources that can help parents supplement their children's education.
Was to let parents know that the education system is changing. Classrooms are not like the traditional classrooms most parents remember sitting in. Classrooms are constantly changing from the traditional lecture class to more of an inquiry based learning classroom. The article helps parents prepare their children for school. It introduces the 4 C’s of 21st century learning: collaborate, communicate, creative and critical thinking. Overall, the article serves an excellent resource for parents to keep up to date with the changes taken place in the education world and gives advice how to continue to help out at home.
This article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry because…
The article is a great resource for parents, they can go on the website and check out the new changes taken place within the schools. It gives them ideas and activities to do with their children after school. Learning shouldn’t stop when the last bell goes off in school. It should continue at home and parents can play a big part in making that happen. Informing parents of what is taken place in the 21st century classroom is important. When parents get involved they will know what their children are learning in school and know how to help at home. Its like they are teaming up with the teacher and overall turns out to be a great learning experience for the everyone involved.
The key points of this article are how different ways of how to get parents involved in their children's learning experience. As teachers, we want to get our students' parents involved in not just the students' education, but also in helping to develop their children's 21st century learning skills, the 4Cs. By getting the parents involved, we can not only help our students grow while we are with them, but also at home and outside of school. This can be so crucial in preparing our students for today's world because the reality is that we see them and can help them grow for about 7 hours a day. Students are not with us for the majority of the day, so by urging parents to get involved to help students grow and learn, we are maximizing the opportunities to aid our students. The article breaks up different ways to get the parents involved into each grade level, as well as across the grades. It also provides a few ways to bring the 4Cs into the schools.
This article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry because it is all about modern day learning. It calls for a movement in which the parents should and ultimately need to get involved in their children's learning to better prepare them for every day life. Since it provides resources and ways to get the parents involved, we can get everyone on board our students' learning journey. Inquiry based learning should stretch beyond the school day, and by getting the parents involved we can make this a reality.
The key points of this article are how we as teachers can go about getting the parents of our students more involved in improving the classroom. One of the most important skills these parents need is the ability to understand the technology that is being introduced through the 21st century classrooms. In order for these parents to support their children with school work, they need to know how to use these new technologies. It is also important for these parents to fully understand the 4C's and how the classroom has changed since they were students. The 4C's, collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking have become an intricate part of the 21st century classroom. These 4C's make the classroom atmosphere much different than most parents remember it as. When parents are educated about the technologies and how they are being implemented in a 21st century classroom setting they can begin to appropriately support their children throughout their academic career.
This article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry by showing me how important it can be to get the parents of your students involved and up-to-date. I have heard parents complaining about how teachers are running their class and how their children never have notes and the parents do not know how to help them, but in order for the parents to help they have to realize that times have changed within the classroom. We as teachers must help educate these parents on how the classroom is being run and how they can properly help their child succeed in this 21st century classroom setting.
The key point of this article really is to get parents involved. I think the article does a huge justice to changing technology. Many parents and even adults in other professions, have been questioning certain educator's use of technology and internet, in particular, which to some degree is fine, but I believe the reason for it is the lack of understanding how it is actually a hugely effective resource. Not just for wikipedia and youtube, like I've heard many people say, but for things that the article points out and highlights in a beautiful way. The purpose is to get parents helping in their children's education. I think this is great because many parents want to be involved, but don't know how. Here is a literal guide to getting involved and doing it in a way that will most likely interest the child rather than annoy him or her. I think the most wonderful thing about the article is the presentation. As I said, it really does put the ever changing technology in a light far more significant than it has been in the past. Teachers will not simply play a youtube video instead of teaching, but they will skype with children in other countries to compare water usage?! That's amazing. And of course they then learn the worth of a drop of water when they realize how much they waste. It really is showing parents how to help educators create not only students, but little advocates for whatever they believe in, which I think helps students to find who they are through finding out what they believe and want to take a stand for. There is so much knowledge out there, and technology is just helping us further the student's horizons.
This helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry by offering me a taste of what my student's parents will likely be seeing for the first time. With this guide, I can generate essential questions and lessons that will drive the point of my lesson home, perhaps literally. Then from there, I will know how the parents may respond. If I can understand how to help and reach out to my parents, there also will be a much better connection there. With this, I think it creates a very easy way to bring the classroom home and keep learning and investigation going on at home as well. Of course, as parents learn how to use, navigate, or at the very least, talk about what sort of technology is going on in my classroom, the students will find a deeper understanding, particularly if they have to help their parents learn.
The key points of this article are basically how to involve parents in their children's learning process. There were many ways suggested how to parents get involved not only in their child's education, but more specifically in developing their 21st century skills. These skills, the 4 Cs, are necessary in today's world and will greatly aid their success in the future. Teachers need help from parents to encourage collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication at home as well as in the classroom. Numerous links are included in this article to give parents guidance as to what activities can be done with their children and will increase their 21st century skills. This article also had suggestions for teachers of how to emphasize the 4 Cs in the classroom throughout all age groups.
ReplyDeleteThis article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry because it gave activities and tips for teachers on how to use 21st century skills in the classroom. There are links to other resources to take advantage of to increase students' awareness of reliable sources and to solve complex problems.
The key points of this article of this article go over how to get parents involved in the 21st century classroom. The article lists many different resources in which students can "bring the classroom home" and how parents can get more involved in using these resources. The article also gives parents vital information and insight into what the concept of 21st century learning actually is. Parents may be stuck in the old ways of education. A resource like this article is a great reference for parents to learn about the vital life skills that their children are learning in schools in regards to 21st century learning. Furthermore, if parents know the skills their children are learning in school (such as the 4 c's), they can help their children by encouraging them to use these skills in situations outside the classroom.
ReplyDeleteThis article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry in that it gives parents access to the same materials that their children are using in the classroom environment. Parents can use these resources to encourage their children to take learning outside the classroom and engage in intellectually stimulating activities at home. There is one part of the article that stands out to me in particular. In the middle school section, there is a suggestion that parents who have money managing experience come in as a guest speaker into the classroom to give insight to students in regards to the business and financial world. The article also suggest that these guests take part in project learning with students and act as a panel to give feedback to business proposals of students. This is a great thing for students to experience. They can get real time feedback from people who are actually in the business world. They can see the real life applications of different concepts they are learning in the classroom.
The key points of this article are helping parents discover the tools and techniques for 21st century learning. The article gives suggestions of skills that parents can look into to prepare their children for the future. Edutopia gives ideas for each stage of a child’s education from elementary school, middle school, high school and for the future. These different strategies and ideas assist parents in getting involved in their child’s life. I believe that students can be more successful with the guidance of their parents, teachers and mentors. Edutopia can help parents be up to date in the new technologies and advances in today’s society to better help their children. One idea that I can see even happening in a mathematics classroom is having a guest teacher or speaker that works with finance. This gives students insight of jobs and maybe a future career for some. Parents and teachers can help students get the most information to the children.
ReplyDeleteThis article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry because having parents be up to date on today’s technologies and assist their children can have a stronger bond and relationship. I see sometimes children who don’t converse with their parents. With this guide to learning the involvement with parents, teachers and students can be a stronger relationship. Parents should always want to know more to share with their children. It shows initiative and encouragement from the parents.
The key points of this article are to allow parents to understand what is going on in their child’s classroom. Parents were educated in a different era in which they were taught at and were expected to simply absorb information and go home and practice it. In today’s 21st century classroom, the roles of the teacher and student are different and a document like this can allow everyone to be on the same page of a child’s education. Parents who learn that their students are playing games in class or are receiving very little direct instruction from the teacher my feel like their children are not receiving the best education possible. This document ensures that parents understand that classroom activities like these are the best possible way of allowing students to learn the information that is required of them and also that they grow up to be contributing members of today and tomorrow’s society. It also gives parents an idea as to how they could further their children’s education in the 4 C’s outside of the classroom.
ReplyDeleteThis article helps me understand instruction through inquiry because it gives a way to make sure that parents are involved in the process. Inquiry based instruction is only truly effective if students are able to be involved in the process constantly, not only during pre-described class times. An article like this ensures that parents are aware of what the curriculum is hoping to accomplish and that they are able to assist teachers in reaching these goals.
The key points in this article directed toward the importance of how parents can take part/understand in their child's learning. One of the most important things is allowing students to be creative. Many time students are being handed everything too them in class without any opportunity for creativity and exploration. It is important for students to understand math teaches us to become problem solvers, it's not just the subject with all the formulas one has to memorize. In the article it says, "the right kind of learning experiences help children activate their brain networks in ways needed to become proficient problem solvers and creative thinkers." It is also important for students to have mediums to communicate their ideas and share with others what they have learned. The parents role is to also 'develop their children's emotional intelligence,' by making them feel confident in their thoughts and ideas.
ReplyDeleteThis article helps me understand instruction through inquiry because it provides different methods teachers can use to in the classroom to allow parents to be involved. The activities mentioned in the article are based on student interests.
The key points of this article are to assist parents in understanding what is going on educationally and the different techniques that they can use to become a part of their child's learning. This Edutopia site is about discovering and using different methods both in the classroom and at home that will prepare future for the "unknown" future and the world, not to just be cookie cutter, factory made people. This guide goes through the different grade levels and discusses the different ways in which students are learning and what parents should be focusing on, reviewing and reinforcing at home. This allows for parents to become more involved in not only their child's education but also their future. I believe that this article allows parents to understand the new techniques teachers are using and enforcing like creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking and their importance. Just being in touch between teacher, parents and students is a form of communication is a must for an effective educational relationship.
ReplyDeleteThis article helps me to better understand inquiry because it allows the students parents to become part of their childs education, what is being taught at school can be reinforced at home and parents are most importantly communicating. This article also allows parents to have a better understanding of the curriculum and can in turn help parents understand the class and the teachers ways of thinking.
The key points of this article are to help parents understand and know how to prepare their child for the future. Knowing the techniques and tools they will need to hold to be an accomplished 21st century learner. Since the education system is moving from the traditional lecture based classroom to a more inquiry based setting, parents need to more involved in the learning process. This article is a great resource for parents because it gives you a list of things parents can be doing with their children to help them bring the classroom experience home. The article states that, " students need to be exposed to world beyond the classroom." Meaning that learning is not just done inside school anymore and information is not just learned from the teacher.
ReplyDeleteThis article helps me better understand instruction through inquiry because it helps me see the ways that students can be learning on their own. Inquiry to me is about investigation and discovery of knowledge, this article provides great ways for students to be doing this. Having a summer internship, being involved in the community and working with project based learning can all be useful tools for parents and teachers to use to promote inquiry inside/outside the classroom.
The key points of this article are how the classroom is changing and how parents need to prepare their children. The article states that in elementary school the teachers are laying a foundation for future success. The students need to collaboration with others, be creative, communicate, and use critical thinking. I think that teachers are laying the foundation but parents should reinforce the 4 C’s at home. As children transition from elementary to middle to high school this article has different websites that they can use to emphasis the 4 C’s at home as well as information for the parents. I think that as soon as children steps foot outside of school learning stops. At all times parents should know what their child is learning in school.
ReplyDeleteThis article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry because it gives me tools to give to the parents so that they can help their children at home with homework. So often children come home with homework and need help and their parents are not able to help them because they do not understand the material themselves. Parent - teacher communication is very important for the success of the student.
The key points of this article are resources for parents of 21st-century students. The article first spends time briefly explaining the nature of 21st-century education (the 4 "C"s, etc), and then gives a bunch of very specific exercises that can be directly applied in the classroom our outside at home. I particularly liked the Middle School exercise that encouraged connections with Role-playing games and the hero's journey. The article gives ten--admittedly vague--tips for parents to create 21st-century citizens, then concludes with many internet resources for parents to use.
ReplyDeleteThis article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry because it brings an important and oft-overlooked dimension of 21st century education into play--the role of the parents. In a heterogeneous society, there will be many different levels of parental involvement and activity, but this article gives great resources that can help parents supplement their children's education.
The Key Points of the article are…
ReplyDeleteWas to let parents know that the education system is changing. Classrooms are not like the traditional classrooms most parents remember sitting in. Classrooms are constantly changing from the traditional lecture class to more of an inquiry based learning classroom. The article helps parents prepare their children for school. It introduces the 4 C’s of 21st century learning: collaborate, communicate, creative and critical thinking. Overall, the article serves an excellent resource for parents to keep up to date with the changes taken place in the education world and gives advice how to continue to help out at home.
This article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry because…
The article is a great resource for parents, they can go on the website and check out the new changes taken place within the schools. It gives them ideas and activities to do with their children after school. Learning shouldn’t stop when the last bell goes off in school. It should continue at home and parents can play a big part in making that happen. Informing parents of what is taken place in the 21st century classroom is important. When parents get involved they will know what their children are learning in school and know how to help at home. Its like they are teaming up with the teacher and overall turns out to be a great learning experience for the everyone involved.
The key points of this article are how different ways of how to get parents involved in their children's learning experience. As teachers, we want to get our students' parents involved in not just the students' education, but also in helping to develop their children's 21st century learning skills, the 4Cs. By getting the parents involved, we can not only help our students grow while we are with them, but also at home and outside of school. This can be so crucial in preparing our students for today's world because the reality is that we see them and can help them grow for about 7 hours a day. Students are not with us for the majority of the day, so by urging parents to get involved to help students grow and learn, we are maximizing the opportunities to aid our students. The article breaks up different ways to get the parents involved into each grade level, as well as across the grades. It also provides a few ways to bring the 4Cs into the schools.
ReplyDeleteThis article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry because it is all about modern day learning. It calls for a movement in which the parents should and ultimately need to get involved in their children's learning to better prepare them for every day life. Since it provides resources and ways to get the parents involved, we can get everyone on board our students' learning journey. Inquiry based learning should stretch beyond the school day, and by getting the parents involved we can make this a reality.
The key points of this article are how we as teachers can go about getting the parents of our students more involved in improving the classroom. One of the most important skills these parents need is the ability to understand the technology that is being introduced through the 21st century classrooms. In order for these parents to support their children with school work, they need to know how to use these new technologies. It is also important for these parents to fully understand the 4C's and how the classroom has changed since they were students. The 4C's, collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking have become an intricate part of the 21st century classroom. These 4C's make the classroom atmosphere much different than most parents remember it as. When parents are educated about the technologies and how they are being implemented in a 21st century classroom setting they can begin to appropriately support their children throughout their academic career.
ReplyDeleteThis article helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry by showing me how important it can be to get the parents of your students involved and up-to-date. I have heard parents complaining about how teachers are running their class and how their children never have notes and the parents do not know how to help them, but in order for the parents to help they have to realize that times have changed within the classroom. We as teachers must help educate these parents on how the classroom is being run and how they can properly help their child succeed in this 21st century classroom setting.
The key point of this article really is to get parents involved. I think the article does a huge justice to changing technology. Many parents and even adults in other professions, have been questioning certain educator's use of technology and internet, in particular, which to some degree is fine, but I believe the reason for it is the lack of understanding how it is actually a hugely effective resource. Not just for wikipedia and youtube, like I've heard many people say, but for things that the article points out and highlights in a beautiful way. The purpose is to get parents helping in their children's education. I think this is great because many parents want to be involved, but don't know how. Here is a literal guide to getting involved and doing it in a way that will most likely interest the child rather than annoy him or her. I think the most wonderful thing about the article is the presentation. As I said, it really does put the ever changing technology in a light far more significant than it has been in the past. Teachers will not simply play a youtube video instead of teaching, but they will skype with children in other countries to compare water usage?! That's amazing. And of course they then learn the worth of a drop of water when they realize how much they waste. It really is showing parents how to help educators create not only students, but little advocates for whatever they believe in, which I think helps students to find who they are through finding out what they believe and want to take a stand for. There is so much knowledge out there, and technology is just helping us further the student's horizons.
ReplyDeleteThis helps me to better understand teaching and learning through inquiry by offering me a taste of what my student's parents will likely be seeing for the first time. With this guide, I can generate essential questions and lessons that will drive the point of my lesson home, perhaps literally. Then from there, I will know how the parents may respond. If I can understand how to help and reach out to my parents, there also will be a much better connection there. With this, I think it creates a very easy way to bring the classroom home and keep learning and investigation going on at home as well. Of course, as parents learn how to use, navigate, or at the very least, talk about what sort of technology is going on in my classroom, the students will find a deeper understanding, particularly if they have to help their parents learn.